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The exclusive portal of France in China officially recommends CUCAS on website

The exclusive portal of France in China - La France en Chine ( officially recommends CUCAS as "CUCAS (China's University and College Admission System) est le portail chinois officiel pour les étudiants internationaux qui souhaitent intégrer les universités chinoises. " in the article of "CUCAS, le site pour les étudiants étrangers qui souhaitent venir étudier en Chine".

It says,

CUCAS (China's University and College Admission System) is the official Chinese portal for international students wishing to enter Chinese universities.

Established with the support of the Ministry of Education of China to help international students study in China, CUCAS is the only platform authorized by Chinese universities to receive directly online applications to Chinese universities. CUCAS allows foreign students to apply for any programs of Chinese universities online. Once all the information filled in and documents submitted online, it takes two to four weeks so that the University process the application. Once the decision taken at the University, an email response is sent to the student.

The site also has all the information that students need to plan their studies in China:

  • General information on China;
  • Information on pre-departure to China (money, visa ...)
  • Information on the cost of education in China;
  • Sharing experiences of students;
  • Database of Chinese universities offering courses for foreign students;
  • Presentation of all courses offered to foreign students in Chinese universities (graduate and undergraduate, summer programs, MBA's ...) and the conditions of enrollment;
  • Presentation of grants educational assistance (scholarships CUCAS, China Scholarship Council Scholarship, the Confucius Institute scholarships, grants local governments, university scholarship ...).

The platform was created in February 2008 in response to the 'Study in China Program' launched by the Chinese government, which aims to attract 50 million foreign students in China by 2020.

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