Study Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering in China

Bachelor Degree

Bachelor’s degree is always earned for an undergraduate course of study that nominally requires four years of study in China, in some courses, the time of acquiring the bachelor degree may be shorten. Generally, the bachelor’s degree include different disciplines.
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Master Degree

Master’s degree is an academic degree granted to individual who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice. This degree is located between the bachelor’s degree and doctor’s degree. Generally, students who want to get this degree in China will take different times according to the disciplines he applied,the normal period of get Master degree is two to five years.
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PHD Degree

PHD degree is the highest academic level who showed the people who bears this title has reached the highest professional knowledge level. Generally, it’s hard to get this degree, students need pay more times and energies to do some reach in order to finish it . Normally, getting this degree will take about over three years in China.
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Associate Degree

Associate Degree is different with the Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree and PHD degree.Generally, Associate Degree is mainly composed by School of Higher Professional Technology and higher technical college, many times students who want to get this degree will take three years in China.
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About Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering program whose total enrollment in China is less than 50 with a male to female ratio of 91% to 9%. After the completion of the Aerospace Engineering program, graduates either proceed with their further studies or receive employment opportunities relating to Aerospace Engineering including those in aerpspace and aviation academies or institutions, information industry, research, development, engineering and
technology management of automated aerospace applications and etc.
The Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering program aims to help international students to study Aerospace Engineering in China, develop the competence of students in mastering the basic knowledge and methods
of aerospace application system design, space exploration, space environment and etc.,and at the same time provide them with specifically designed core courses such as aerospace science and technology,aerospace propulsion theory and engineering, power engineering and engineering thermophysics and etc.
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